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Mega Bloks - Cat - Lil Véhicule

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Quick, quick, let?s go and fight the fire! The Toot-Toot Drivers fire station is packed full of fun, featuring a spinning light-up siren, vehicle eject button for a fun emergency effect, magic vehicle recognition sensor, turning wheel and fire hose, twisting fire extinguisher, second floor parking and 2 fun


Quick, quick, let?s go and fight the fire! The Toot-Toot Drivers fire station is packed full of fun, featuring a spinning light-up siren, vehicle eject button for a fun emergency effect, magic vehicle recognition sensor, turning wheel and fire hose, twisting fire extinguisher, second floor parking and 2 fun


Enfant ; jouets ; Autres jeux de construction ;




Enfants, jeux et jouets / Public=Enfant;En-tête / Fabricant=Mega Bloks;Jeux et jouets / Sexe=Adulte mixte;Jouets / Types=Jeux de Construction



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