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Bellybutton Accessoire de Rangement - Valise Enfants - Etoiles - Bleu

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Five young and committed mothers are behind the exceptional concept of bellybutton: Dana Schweiger, actress Ursula Karven and marketing executives Katja Emcke, Annette Bode and Astrid Schulte.The owners of the company have a total of sixteen children - a first hand of experience for developing and testing the


Five young and committed mothers are behind the exceptional concept of bellybutton: Dana Schweiger, actress Ursula Karven and marketing executives Katja Emcke, Annette Bode and Astrid Schulte.The owners of the company have a total of sixteen children - a first hand of experience for developing and testing the




Enfant ; Puericulture ; Rangement ;


Type de Produit=Rangement;En-tête / Fabricant=Bellybutton



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