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Bandai - Maquette One Piece Thousand Sunny

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From the ManufacturerThousand Sunny joins a new series of 6" model ships from "One Piece". Its compact size makes it easy to display and requires no tools to assemble. Through the use of pre-colored plastic and stickers there's no need for paint. You can re-create the ship with sails unfurled or without


From the ManufacturerThousand Sunny joins a new series of 6" model ships from "One Piece". Its compact size makes it easy to display and requires no tools to assemble. Through the use of pre-colored plastic and stickers there's no need for paint. You can re-create the ship with sails unfurled or without


Enfant ; jouets ; Véhicules radiocommandés et miniatures - Voiture ;




Enfants, jeux et jouets / Public=Enfant;En-tête / Fabricant=Bandai;Jeux et jouets / Sexe=Adulte mixte;Jouets / Types=Véhicule miniature;Jouets / Sous-types=Voiture



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